[1] MU_CAPE – convective available potential energy, derived from the most-unstable parcel (highest theta-e between surface and 3 km AGL). Units are J/kg. [2] MU_03km_CAPE – convective available potential energy between surface and 3 km AGL, derived from the most-unstable parcel (highest theta-e between surface and 3 km AGL). Units are J/kg. [3] MU_HGL_CAPE – convective available potential energy in a hail growth layer (between 0°C and -20°C), derived from the most-unstable parcel (highest theta-e between surface and 3 km AGL). Units are J/kg. [4] MU_CIN – convective inhibition, derived from the most-unstable parcel (highest theta-e between surface and 3 km AGL). Units are J/kg. [5] MU_LCL_HGT – height of the lifted condensation level, derived from the most-unstable parcel (highest theta-e between surface and 3 km AGL). Units are m AGL. [6] MU_LFC_HGT – height of the level of free convection, derived from the most-unstable parcel (highest theta-e between surface and 3 km AGL). Units are m AGL. [7] MU_EL_HGT – height of the equilibrium level, derived from the most-unstable parcel (highest theta-e between surface and 3 km AGL). Units are m AGL. [8] MU_LI – lifted index, derived from the most-unstable parcel (highest theta-e between surface and 3 km AGL). Units are K. [9] MU_WMAX – the maximum updraft speed in a thunderstorm (a square root of two times CAPE), derived from the most-unstable parcel (highest theta-e between surface and 3 km AGL). Units are m/s. [10] MU_EL_TEMP – temperature of the equilibrium level, derived from the most-unstable parcel (highest theta-e between surface and 3 km AGL). Units are °C. [11] MU_LCL_TEMP – temperature of the lifted condensation level, derived from the most-unstable parcel (highest theta-e between surface and 3 km AGL). Units are °C. [12] MU_LFC_TEMP – temperature of the level of free convection, derived from the most-unstable parcel (highest theta-e between surface and 3 km AGL). Units are °C. [13] MU_MIXR – mixing ratio at the height of the most-unstable parcel (highest theta-e between surface and 3 km AGL). Units are g/kg. [14] SB_CAPE – convective available potential energy, derived from the surface-based parcel. Units are J/kg. [15] SB_03km_CAPE – convective available potential energy between surface and 3 km AGL, derived from the surface-based parcel. Units are J/kg. [16] SB_HGL_CAPE – convective available potential energy in a hail growth layer (between 0°C and -20°C), derived from the surface-based parcel. Units are J/kg. [17] SB_CIN – convective inhibition, derived from the surface-based parcel. Units are J/kg. [18] SB_LCL_HGT – height of the lifted condensation level, derived from the surface-based parcel. Units are m AGL. [19] SB_LFC_HGT – height of the level of free convection, derived from the surface-based parcel. Units are m AGL. [20] SB_EL_HGT – height of the equilibrium level, derived from the surface-based parcel. Units are m AGL. [21] SB_LI – lifted index, derived from the surface-based parcel. Units are K. [22] SB_WMAX – the maximum updraft speed in a thunderstorm (a square root of two times CAPE), derived from the surface-based parcel. Units are m/s. [23] SB_EL_TEMP – temperature of the equilibrium level, derived from the surface-based parcel. Units are °C. [24] SB_LCL_TEMP – temperature of the lifted condensation level, derived from the surface-based parcel. Units are °C. [25] SB_LFC_TEMP – temperature of the level of free convection, derived from the surface-based parcel. Units are °C. [26] SB_MIXR – mixing ratio at the height of the surface-based parcel. Units are g/kg. [27] ML_CAPE – convective available potential energy, derived from the mixed-layer parcel (theta and mixing ratio averaged over 0–500m AGL layer and initialized from surface). Units are J/kg. [28] ML_03km_CAPE – convective available potential energy between surface and 3 km AGL, derived from the mixed-layer parcel (theta and mixing ratio averaged over 0–500m AGL layer and initialized from surface). Units are J/kg. [29] ML_HGL_CAPE – convective available potential energy in a hail growth layer (between 0°C and -20°C), derived from the mixed-layer parcel (theta and mixing ratio averaged over 0–500m AGL layer and initialized from surface). Units are J/kg. [30] ML_CIN – convective inhibition, derived from the mixed-layer parcel (theta and mixing ratio averaged over 0–500m AGL layer and initialized from surface). Units are J/kg. [31] ML_LCL_HGT – height of the lifted condensation level, derived from the mixed-layer parcel (theta and mixing ratio averaged over 0–500m AGL layer and initialized from surface). Units are m AGL. [32] ML_LFC_HGT – height of the level of free convection, derived from the mixed-layer parcel (theta and mixing ratio averaged over 0–500m AGL layer and initialized from surface). Units are m AGL. [33] ML_EL_HGT – height of the equilibrium level, derived from the mixed-layer parcel (theta and mixing ratio averaged over 0–500m AGL layer and initialized from surface). Units are m AGL. [34] ML_LI – lifted index, derived from the mixed-layer parcel (theta and mixing ratio averaged over 0–500m AGL layer and initialized from surface). Units are K. [35] ML_WMAX – the maximum updraft speed in a thunderstorm (a square root of two times CAPE), derived from the mixed-layer parcel (theta and mixing ratio averaged over 0–500m AGL layer and initialized from surface). Units are m/s. [36] ML_EL_TEMP – temperature of the equilibrium level, derived from the mixed-layer parcel (theta and mixing ratio averaged over 0–500m AGL layer and initialized from surface). Units are °C. [37] ML_LCL_TEMP – temperature of the lifted condensation level, derived from the mixed-layer parcel (theta and mixing ratio averaged over 0–500m AGL layer and initialized from surface). Units are °C. [38] ML_LFC_TEMP – temperature of the level of free convection, derived from the mixed-layer parcel (theta and mixing ratio averaged over 0–500m AGL layer and initialized from surface). Units are °C. [39] ML_MIXR – mixing ratio at the height of the surface-based parcel. Units are g/kg. **Temperature and moisture parameters:** [40] LR_01km – temperature lapse rate between surface and 1 km AGL. Units are K/km. [41] LR_03km – temperature lapse rate between surface and 3 km AGL. Units are K/km. [42] LR_24km – temperature lapse rate between 2 and 4 km AGL. Units are K/km. [43] LR_36km – temperature lapse rate between 3 and 6 km AGL. Units are K/km. [44] LR_500700hPa – temperature lapse rate between 500 and 700 hPa (if below ground level, the lowest available level is considered). Units are K/km. [45] LR_500800hPa – temperature lapse rate between 500 and 800 hPa (if below ground level, the lowest available level is considered). Units are K/km. [46] FRZG_HGT – height of freezing level (0°C) as a first available level counting from the surface. Units are m AGL. [47] FRZG_wetbulb_HGT – height of wet-bulb freezing level (0°C) as a first available level counting from the surface. Units are m AGL. [48] HGT_max_thetae_03km – height of the most-unstable parcel (highest theta-e between surface and 3 km AGL). Units are m AGL. [49] HGT_min_thetae_04km – height of the lowest theta-e between surface and 4 km AGL. Units are m AGL. [50] Delta_thetae – difference in theta-e between the mean in 3–5 km AGL layer and surface. Units are K. [51] Delta_thetae_HGL – difference in theta-e between mean in a hail growth layer (between 0°C and -20°C) and surface. Units are K. [52] DCAPE – downdraft convective available potential energy, initialized from 4 km AGL with a mean theta-e in 3–5 km AGL layer. Units are J/kg. [53] Cold_Pool_Strength – difference between surface temperature and temperature of the downdraft (derived from DCAPE) at the surface. Units are K. [54] Wind_Index – based on original formula from McCann (1994), doi: https://tinyurl.com/jub4fecj Units indicate estimated wind gust potential in knots. [55] PRCP_WATER – precipitable water (entire column). Units are mm. [56] Moisture_Flux_02km – mean wind speed multiplied by mean mixing ratio in the layer between surface and 2 km AGL. Units are g/s/m2. [57] RH_02km – mean relative humidity between surface and 2 km AGL layer. Units are %. [58] RH_25km – mean relative humidity between 2 and 5 km AGL layer. Units are %. [59] RH_HGL – mean relative humidity in a hail growth layer (between 0°C and -20°C). Units are %. **Kinematic parameters:** [60] BS_01km – bulk wind shear between surface and 1 km AGL. Units are m/s. [61] BS_02km – bulk wind shear between surface and 2 km AGL. Units are m/s. [62] BS_03km – bulk wind shear between surface and 3 km AGL. Units are m/s. [63] BS_06km – bulk wind shear between surface and 6 km AGL. Units are m/s. [64] BS_08km – bulk wind shear between surface and 8 km AGL. Units are m/s. [65] BS_36km – bulk wind shear between 3 and 6 km AGL. Units are m/s. [66] BS_18km – bulk wind shear between 1 and 8 km AGL. Units are m/s. [67] BS_EFF_MU – effective shear based on most-unstable parcel (highest theta-e between surface and 3 km AGL). See Thompson et al. (2007), doi: 10.1175/WAF969.1 for further details. Units are m/s. [68] BS_EFF_SB – effective shear based on surface-based parcel. See Thompson et al. (2007), doi: 10.1175/WAF969.1 for further details. Units are m/s. [69] BS_EFF_ML – effective shear based on mixed-layer parcel (theta and mixing ratio averaged over 0–500m AGL layer and initialized from surface). See Thompson et al. (2007), doi: 10.1175/WAF969.1 for further details. Units are m/s. [70] BS_SFC_to_HGL – bulk wind shear between surface and -10°C. Units are m/s. [71] BS_MU_LFC_to_HGL – bulk wind shear between most-unstable level of free convection and -10°C. Units are m/s. [72] BS_SB_LFC_to_HGL – bulk wind shear between surface-based level of free convection and -10°C. Units are m/s. [73] BS_ML_LFC_to_HGL – bulk wind shear between mixed-layer level of free convection and -10°C. Units are m/s. [74] MW_01km – mean wind speed between surface and 1 km AGL layer. Units are m/s. [75] MW_02km – mean wind speed between surface and 2 km AGL layer. Units are m/s. [76] MW_06km – mean wind speed between surface and 6 km AGL layer. Units are m/s. [77] MW_13km – mean wind speed between 1 and 3 km AGL layer. Units are m/s. [78] SRH_100m_RM – storm-relative helicity between surface and 100m AGL for right-moving supercell vector. See Bunkers et al. (2002), doi: tinyurl.com/yuk4wvwk for further details. Units are m2/s2. [79] SRH_500m_RM – storm-relative helicity between surface and 500m AGL for right-moving supercell vector. See Bunkers et al. (2002), doi: tinyurl.com/yuk4wvwk for further details. Units are m2/s2. [80] SRH_1km_RM – storm-relative helicity between surface and 1 km AGL for right-moving supercell vector. See Bunkers et al. (2002), doi: tinyurl.com/yuk4wvwk for further details. Units are m2/s2. [81] SRH_3km_RM – storm-relative helicity between surface and 3 km AGL for right-moving supercell vector. See Bunkers et al. (2002), doi: tinyurl.com/yuk4wvwk for further details. Units are m2/s2. [82] SRH_100m_LM – storm-relative helicity between surface and 100m AGL for left-moving supercell vector. See Bunkers et al. (2002), doi: tinyurl.com/yuk4wvwk for further details. Units are m2/s2. [83] SRH_500m_LM – storm-relative helicity between surface and 500m AGL for left-moving supercell vector. See Bunkers et al. (2002), doi: tinyurl.com/yuk4wvwk for further details. Units are m2/s2. [84] SRH_1km_LM – storm-relative helicity between surface and 1 km AGL for left-moving supercell vector. See Bunkers et al. (2002), doi: tinyurl.com/yuk4wvwk for further details. Units are m2/s2. [85] SRH_3km_LM – storm-relative helicity between surface and 3 km AGL for left-moving supercell vector. See Bunkers et al. (2002), doi: tinyurl.com/yuk4wvwk for further details. Units are m2/s2. [86] Bunkers_RM_A – azimuth for right-moving supercell vector. See Bunkers et al. (2002), doi: tinyurl.com/yuk4wvwk for further details. Units are °. [87] Bunkers_RM_M – wind speed for right-moving supercell vector. See Bunkers et al. (2002), doi: tinyurl.com/yuk4wvwk for further details. Units are m/s. [88] Bunkers_LM_A – azimuth for left-moving supercell vector. See Bunkers et al. (2002), doi: tinyurl.com/yuk4wvwk for further details. Units are °. [89] Bunkers_LM_M – wind speed for left-moving supercell vector. See Bunkers et al. (2002), doi: tinyurl.com/yuk4wvwk for further details. Units are m/s. [90] Bunkers_MW_A – azimuth for mean storm motion vector. See Bunkers et al. (2002), doi: tinyurl.com/yuk4wvwk for further details. Units are °. [91] Bunkers_MW_M – wind speed for mean storm motion vector. See Bunkers et al. (2002), doi: tinyurl.com/yuk4wvwk for further details. Units are m/s. **Composite parameters:** [92] K_Index – based on original formula from George (1960): "Weather Forecasting for Aeronautics" Academic Press, London, 1960, p. 673. Units are K. [93] Showalter_Index – based on original formula from Showalter (1953), doi: 10.1175/1520-0477-34.6.250. Units are K. [94] TotalTotals_Index – based on original formula from Miller (1972): "Notes on analysis and severe-storm forecasting procedures of the Air Force Global Weather Central", AWS Tech. Rpt. 200(rev), Air Weather Service, Scott AFB, IL. Units are K. [95] SWEAT_Index – based on original formula from Bidner (1970): "The Air Force Global Weather Central severe weather threat (SWEAT) index—A preliminary report". Air Weather Service Aerospace Sciences Review, AWS RP 105-2, No. 70-3, 2-5. Parameter is dimensionless. [96] STP – based on the fixed layer formula currently used on the Storm Prediction Center mesoanalysis (https://www.spc.noaa.gov/exper/mesoanalysis/) as of 1 March 2021. Parameter is dimensionless. [97] STP_new – based on original formula from Coffer et al. (2019), doi: 10.1175/WAF-D-19-0115.1. Parameter is dimensionless. [98] SCP – based on Thompson et al. (2007), "An update to the supercell composite and significant tornado parameters". Preprints, 22nd Conf. on Severe Local Storms, Hyannis, MA, Amer. Meteor. Soc. P (Vol. 8), but with effective SRH replaced with surface to 3 km AGL SRH and effective bulk wind shear replaced with surface to 6 km AGL bulk wind shear. Parameter is dimensionless. [99] SCP_new – based on formula from Gropp and Davenport (2018), doi: 10.1175/WAF-D-17-0150.1, but with effective SRH replaced with surface to 3 km AGL SRH. Parameter is dimensionless. [100] SHIP – based on formula currently used on the Storm Prediction Center mesoanalysis (https://www.spc.noaa.gov/exper/mesoanalysis/) as of 1 March 2021. Parameter is dimensionless. [101] DCP – based on formula currently used on the Storm Prediction Center mesoanalysis (https://www.spc.noaa.gov/exper/mesoanalysis/) as of 1 March 2021. Parameter is dimensionless. [102] MU_WMAXSHEAR – most-unstable WMAX multiplied by surface to 6 km AGL bulk wind shear. See Taszarek et al. (2020), doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-20-0346.1 for further details. Units are m2/s2. [103] SB_WMAXSHEAR – surface-based WMAX multiplied by surface to 6 km AGL bulk wind shear. See Taszarek et al. (2020), doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-20-0346.1 for further details. Units are m2/s2. [104] ML_WMAXSHEAR – mixed-layer WMAX multiplied by surface to 6 km AGL bulk wind shear. See Taszarek et al. (2020), doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-20-0346.1 for further details. Units are m2/s2. [105] MU_EFF_WMAXSHEAR – most-unstable WMAX multiplied by most-unstable effective bulk wind shear. See Taszarek et al. (2020), doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-20-0346.1 for further details. Units are m2/s2. [106] SB_EFF_WMAXSHEAR – surface-based WMAX multiplied by surface-based effective bulk wind shear. See Taszarek et al. (2020), doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-20-0346.1 for further details. Units are m2/s2. [107] ML_EFF_WMAXSHEAR – mixed-layer WMAX multiplied by mixed-layer effective bulk wind shear. See Taszarek et al. (2020), doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-20-0346.1 for further details. Units are m2/s2.